Lëtz go equal in digital

On the 5th of March, we organised an event for International Women’s Day in partnership with le Ministère de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes (MEGA). The aim was both to showcase to students job opportunities emerging from digitalisation and display interesting startups founded by women.

In the morning, we were at Lycée Bel-Val where more than 50 students met with professionals from the IT sector in several rounds of speed-mentoring. The young people exchanged and learned more about the experts, from private and public sectors daily life, the challenges and opportunities of their jobs. Minister Taina Bofferding addressed the participants and emphasised the fact that they should not let themselves be influenced by biases or stereotypes while deciding for their future careers.

In the afternoon, we held a conference at Belval with pitches from startups and a round table about entrepreneurship. Minister Taina Bofferding welcomed the audience with an inspiring speech about the infinite potential of digitalisation. How women and men are both equally qualified to work in this ecosystem which transforms jobs and create new opportunities for all. Founders and employees from WEO, Sumy, F4A, CheckMath, Mattrvest (all inspiring startups founded by women) shared their ideas and insights to an attentive audience. Philippe Linster (CEO of the HOST), brought his point of view to the conversation.

We would like to thanks all the mentors who kindly accepted our invitation to come and share their knowledge and experiences with young people. Professionals from Post, European Commission, Ministère de la Digitalisation, CTIE (Centre des technologies de l’information de l’Etat ), Proximus, Luxinnovation, LIST, SecurityMadeIn, ILR, BEI, University of Luxembourg, Orange and Pictet Technologies were present.

As part of the event, we also published a Special Edition Magazine highlighting Women in Tech.

The Luxembourgish press covered our event. You will find all the articles related here:


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