Meeting with a women scientist from NASA at the US Embassy

Thursday the 14th of June 2018, Luxembourg welcomed Mrs. Nancy Searby a NASA scientist visiting the country for a day. Mrs. Searby met with Government Officials working in the field of space, and the FNR (Luxembourg National research Fund) who has partnerships with NASA, as well as with high school students.

WIDE had the chance to meet the scientist at the US Embassy in Luxembourg. Over 30 people invited by WIDE were present during this afternoon. After a presentation by Mrs Nancy Searby were she highlighted her work during her over 23 years at the NASA, high school girls and young women present were able to ask questions to Mrs. Searby, in order to know her background and to know more about her.

They also shared their experiences and got advices from her. We were able to have honest impressions and thoughts on careers in STEM and women leadership with our super excited group including 15 high school students, the next generation of talent for space industry!


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