Our event, co-organised with SecurityMadeinLu and hosted by the Representation of the European Union in Luxembourg has created a lot of attention as Cybersecurity suffers from a severe shortage of professionals.
Keynote speech was given by Marion Marshalek, @pinkflawd , Independant Security researcher – listen to her radio interview on Rtl.lu http://radio.rtl.lu/emissiounen/10-bis-1/1746355.html
Opening messages were given by Yuriko Backes, Head of Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg @Yuriko_Backes, Christine Mayer (Economic adviser – European Commission representation in Luxembourg and Pascal Steichen, SecurityMadein.lu @_pst
Our panel, moderated by Marina ANDRIEU (Director at WIDE) included:
Violaine Langlet, @vlanglet data protection expert at MGSI and founding member of Association Luxembourgeoise pour la protection des données. Violaine explained she transitioned from studying law to become a data security expert and working along technical teams.
Gilles Feith, @GillesFeith CIO of the Luxembourg Government & Director of CTIE,, Centre des technologies de l’information de l’État – Government IT Center Luxembourg who invited women to apply to the IT job opportunities open at his organisation.
Sheila Becker who holds a PHD in computer science from Uni of Luxembourg & University Henri Poncaré Nancy, France. She is Head of the Cyber Defense Branch within the communication and Information systems branch of the Armed Forces of Luxembourg
Sheila also gave a few interviews in the press:
PaperJam: https://paperjam.lu/questions/la-cybersecurite-cest-aussi-de-la-coordination
L’Essentiel: https://www.lessentiel.lu/fr/luxembourg/story/Je-planifie-la-cybersecurite-du-Luxembourg–27385744