WIDE getting ready to celebrate March 8th

Busy around 

International Women’s Day 2017


Discover all our activities

and join us there

March 8th, Maison de l’Europe, Luxembourg
Women and Careers in CyberSecurity, hacking the opportunities
with SecurityMadein.lu at Maison de l’Europe.

Cybersecurity offers rewarding career opportunities for both women & men, especially in Luxembourg. Join us to find out more and listen to inspirational women already active in the field.


Keynote speech by Cybersecurity expert Marion Marschlek

Other speakers: Sheila Becker (Army Forces of Luxembourg, Violaine Langlet (MSCI), Gilles Feith (CTIE), Pascal Steichen (Securitymadein.lu).

Moderation: Marina Andrieu (WIDE)

See full programme here

March 10th, Hariko, Bonnevoie, Luxembourg.

Women@Digital Inclusion
We are pleased to partner with Digital-Inclusion Asbl to organise a first workshop for both women refugees & local looking to access digital-related support in a save, supportive and friendly environement.
For this first session, both organisations will present there activities.
Register at contact@digital-inclusion.lu
We are also looking to meet volunteers willing to get involve in this project.

March 12th
Journée de la Femme, Fraendag, à l’Abbaye de Neumünster
Women Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon

This year we are joining of the JIF platform. As part of a full program of activities, we are co-organising a Wikipedia-Thon.
Did you know that only a minority of women biographies and also contributors on Wikipedia are women?
Let’s change this around the theme of art.


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