WIDE at Women Founders: Be the CEO of your own life, with Silicon Luxembourg

From left to right: Sheena, Larissa, Alexandra, eLfy, Marina, Stephanie
WIDE was co-organiser & speaker for the 1st Women founder conference which took place on March 2nd at The office.lu
Nearly 100 women were in attendance, many seeking inspiration to start their own business.
This event was supported co-organised by Silicon Luxembourg and WIDE with the support of the US Embassy in Luxembourg.
Speakers included:
Opening Remarks With Larissa Best (Equilibre) and introduction of the Female Entrepreneurship Report
In Conversation With Alexandra Fernandez (Travelsify) and Marie Guerre (The Car’tell)
Founder Story With Gosia Kramer (The Office)
Motivational Talk With Sheena Lindahl (Empact)
In Conversation With eLfy Pins (Supermiro) and Marina Andrieu (WIDE)
Closing words with Stephanie Shaheens (US Embassy Luxembourg)