Audrey is a trainee who participated in the development of our platform Wide GG (coming soon). But when she told her male friends about her internship, she hadn’t imagined this reaction from them…
You can find her testimony below:
“Little did I know when I told my friends I got an internship, I was going to get so many negative comments from my male friends…
An internship in a women’s organization to support women in the digital and technology industry was apparently too much for them to bear. And when I explained to them the project of creating a platform for women and video games, their reactions showed a completely assumed sexism :
“Women suck at video games”
“Women should stay in the kitchen”
Following these remarks, a debate started regarding video games and women. Their arguments were based on the alleged low level of women in games, on the fact that only very few women played video games, or that female streamers use their physical appearance to get views, rather than offering real video game content.
They didn’t understand that all these remarks came from sexism they had internalized throughout their lives. Due to this same sexism, they do not know anything about the figures regarding women’s presence in the gaming world, as they are not even interested in learning more about it. But this is a fact, 50% of gamers are women, and they didn’t believe it.
Maybe those remarks were just to tease me, but in the gaming world, they are not. They highlight the need of such platforms to give female gamers a safe place to play.”