FemSTEM erasmus+ project

In a few words, the main aim of FemSTEM Coaching is to coach women in STEM, and to support them at all stages of their careers. We aim to reduce the soft skills gender gap that exists between women and men in STEM, by providing women with tools and techniques to build up their self-confidence and develop their soft skills, as well as their employability skills.
In order to better understand the situation of women in STEM and determine their level of interest in our soft-skills training proposals, surveys for women in STEM, as well as for companies in this sector have been conducted in each partner’s country. As part of the national reports, focus groups with women in STEM have also been organised. Discover the Luxembourgish report here. Finally, a comparative report has been written in order to sketch the situation of women in STEM in Europe, which will soon be available on the FemSTEM website.
To achieve these objectives, an e-coaching programme for women in STEM has been developed and is now freely accessible here: https://femstem.eu/e-coaching-programme
We also had the pleasure to test our FemSTEM Coaching Circle programme with 7 women in Luxembourg, a peer training that uses self-reflection and active listening to boost self-confidence and to obtain tools and techniques to enrich other soft skills.
For this project, we are delighted to collaborate with the following partners:
Inova Consultancy LTD, United-Kingdom
Centro Superior De Formación Europa Sur, Spain
CESIE, Italy
Panepistimio Thessalias, Greece