Join the Code4Europe Movement: Empower Digital Transformation! 
The Code4Europe Consortium, an international alliance of over 40 leading educational and digital industry stakeholders from 20 European countries, is thrilled to announce a new phase for EU Code Week. Funded by the European Commission, this initiative is set to revolutionise digital education and skills across Europe. 

A Vision for the Future 
The Code4Europe Consortium is committed to expanding and enhancing digital education, building on the successes of EU Code Week since its inception in 2013.
Our mission is to inspire and empower the next generation of digitally-savvy Europeans, ensuring that programming and tech skills are accessible to all. 

Key Initiatives to Engage With 

Subscribe here to stay connected with Code4Europe Consortium and EU Code Week and follow our social channels to stay up to date on our initiatives – Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Meet our Consortium Partners  

Full Partners:  
JA Europe, European Alliance to Save Energy A.S.B.L., Schuman Associates, CityLab, ALL DIGITAL, Digital Europe, LIKTA, European Parents Association, INDIRE, Ministry of Innovation and Growth – Bulgaria, JA Bulgaria, JA Turkey, JA Spain, JA Ukraine, ECWT, WIDE ANDCO, Eskills Malta Foundation, KPI Poland, Digitalna koalicia SR – Slovakia, Science on Stage Deutschland, Fondazione Links, Officina Fututo Fondazione w Group ETS, Charlie Miller Group, Coder Dojo, Digitale Wolven, Accenture, Avanade, Cisco, Microsoft, Intel, Matrix Internet, Profil Klett, Simplon CO, Terawe,, Euractiv, National College of Ireland – NCI, I Osnovna skola Cakovec, Athena – Research and Innovation Center, CyRIC – Cyprus Research and Innovation Center Ltd, National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest  

Associated Partners:  
HP, JA Albania, SAP, Global Alliance for Youth