Summer School 2019

From July 15th to July 19th WIDE – Women in Digital Empowerment, a reference organisation in Luxembourg for girls and women into new technologies, organised its Summer School and, this one-week training was opened to both girls and boys, from thirteen to nineteen years old.

The morning of the first day took place at at SnT – Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, where twenty-seven curious teenagers got in touch with multiple innovations, such as drones, 3D modelling, robotics and data science. On the afternoon, the group moved to the Belval Campus, Maison des Sciences Humaines – GIS Lab for Cultural heritage, history and location-based games workshop about encouraging playful thinking in the city by encouraging discovery of cultural heritage and stories on urban social history. Both locations of the day are part of the University of Luxembourg.

The central days of the Summer School took place at Amazon EU, where attendees spent three days discovered the basics of coding and got familiar with Micro:bit.

On the last day the group had a workshop about Open Data, aiming to outline the main features of this growing trend and brainstormed their own ideas in a possible social Open Data based app.

Besides thanking all our trainees for their keen interest in learning, we would like to thank both the University of Luxembourg and Amazon for providing us these great locations for our activities. Last but not least, we thank all trainers, speakers and experts that made this Summers School possible.

We hope to see you all soon and, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated about our upcoming activities!


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