Women in Fintech: WIDE leading the way

The early months of 2018 have been focused on Fintech for WIDE.

Indeed following the success of our conference Women in Fintech in presence of PM Bettel and more than 300 participants we have decided to organise a series of workshops on related topics.


For this first session (full house, with nearly 40 participants) we had the chance to be introduced to the basic of blockchain and bitcoins. We even formed a “human blockchain.”

We were given concrete example (not only in finance but also in agriculture …) and explained the difference between public and private blockchain.

ICO and Crypto Assets:

We had the chance to go deeper in the field of crypto assets. The audience was a good mixed of crypto experts and crypto curious.

We specifically looked at the legal and tax aspect of crypto assets/currency. As always the regulatory question came up during the discussion.

Smart Contracts:

In this session, we get to understand the world of smart contracts with many examples especially in the legal sector. We discovered the path to create and operate such contracts. We also got to wonder if smart contracts could replace lawyers.

For WIDE, it was the opportunity to bring quality content to a (mostly) non-tech female audience (but not only, we nearly had 50% men on ICO and crypto assets) but also to bring to the daylight 5 female knowledgeable (and passionate) experts on these topics:

Laurence Stijns, Monique Bachner, Maria Matéo, Audrey Baverel, Biba Homsy.

A good example with still many tech and financial panels without women speakers #nowomennopanel as reminded EU Commissioner Marya Gabriel recently.

Conference organisers must try a little bit harder to get there. For us, it was super easy to gather our speakers, as one brought another…

We got great feedbacks from these interactive sessions. Many women working in tech, sales, finance, audit, asset management, insurance joined us to keep current on what’s going on and actively prepare the future of their career and businesses.

Thanks for the volunteers who contributed

and to our hosts:

The Office

and of course to our sponsor and partner: Digital Luxembourg for these conference and workshops.


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