Activités, workshops et mentoring
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Tu es au lycée
et tu t’intéresses aux nouvelles technologies?
You are in secondary school
and are interested in new technologies?
Join us!
Du bass am Lycée
an Du bass un neien Technologien interesséiert?
Komm bei eis!

2019/2020 activities:
- Rails Girls Online
- Create your Escape Game on mobile
In view of the acute health crisis, most of our events will be held online in the near future.
2018/2019 activities:
- CyberSecurity Workshop with Accenture
- Code your spirograph with Python
- Rails Girls
- Bettembourg data center tour
- Girls in ICT 2019
- Visit LIST Showroom
- Summer School 2019
- CyberSecurity Workshop
2017/2018 activities:
- Girls and moms workshop
- Foire de l’étudiant
- Coding Lessons
- Game of Code
- Girls in ICT
- Gender4Stem
- Meeting with a woman scientist from the NASA at the US Embassy
- Video Game Competition for girls
- Summer School “Web development”
Interested in our activities?
Contact us here.
Programme organisé avec le soutien de: