We offer a platform for anyone (students, parents, teachers …) looking for guidance and support when looking for information and support regarding a career and study in ICT. Take a look here.
Actions Girls in ICT day
Since 2016, we have implemented several actions around Girls in ICT Day (promoted by ITU/UN).
- 2022 – STEM des metiers pour toutes et tous en collaboration with Maison de l’Orientation.
- 2021 – webinar ” A world of opportunity”
- 2020 – webinar on data analysis and the use of new technologies as a response to the COVID-19 crisis
- 2019 – A day to discover Coding and Tech
- 2018 – workshops on cybersecurity, video-game design, BBC micro:bit and robotics at the LAM
**All girls in digital initiatives are run with the support of the MEGA**